Top Cigar Brands in Mumbai You Must Try: A Curated Selection for True Aficionados

Top cigar brands in Mumbai


Mumbai's cigar culture is thriving, fueled by a community of aficionados seeking unique flavours, high-quality craftsmanship, and premium experiences. Whether you're a seasoned smoker or new to the world of cigars, knowing which brands to try can elevate your journey into this rich tradition. With a variety of prestigious brands available in select shops across the city, enthusiasts have access to some of the best cigars from around the world. This guide to the top cigar brands in Mumbai will help you navigate the local scene, understand key flavour profiles, and explore what makes each brand exceptional.

From Cuban classics to Nicaraguan gems, we’ll introduce you to Mumbai’s best cigar brands, offer tips on choosing the right cigar for your taste, and provide helpful FAQs for anyone looking to enhance their cigar experience.

Why Mumbai is a Growing Hub for Premium Cigars

In recent years, Mumbai has witnessed a growing appreciation for premium cigars, mirroring a global trend towards sophisticated luxury experiences. As a city that celebrates diversity, Mumbai offers a unique blend of traditional and modern elements, making it the perfect environment for the rich culture surrounding cigars to flourish.

Factors Contributing to Mumbai’s Cigar Popularity

  1. Cosmopolitan Culture: Mumbai’s residents and visitors seek out global luxuries, including fine cigars.

  2. Rising Luxury Market: The city’s upscale lounges and specialty cigar shops cater to a discerning clientele looking for top-tier experiences.

  3. Social Appeal: Cigars are increasingly appreciated as a social indulgence, bringing enthusiasts together to share tastes, techniques, and tips.

Top Cigar Brands in Mumbai You Must Try

If you’re exploring top cigar brands in Mumbai, this curated list includes some of the finest options, from internationally renowned Cuban cigars to more exclusive brands. Each brand offers unique characteristics and flavours, perfect for experimenting or finding your signature choice.

1. Cohiba

Overview of Cohiba

Cohiba is one of the most famous Cuban cigar brands, and its reputation for exceptional quality has made it a favourite in Mumbai as well as around the world. Known for its luxurious and complex flavours, Cohiba cigars are crafted with precision, making them a top choice for seasoned smokers.

Key Features of Cohiba Cigars

  • Distinctive Flavour Profile: Cohiba cigars are known for their smooth, medium-to-full-bodied flavour, with notes of spice, cedar, and cocoa.

  • Quality Craftsmanship: Each Cohiba cigar is meticulously hand-rolled, ensuring consistency and excellence.

  • Popular Varieties in Mumbai: Cohiba Robusto and Cohiba Esplendido are widely available at premium cigar shops across Mumbai, including The Cigar Room in Colaba.

2. Montecristo

About Montecristo

Montecristo is a classic Cuban brand, known for its rich history and distinctive taste. Highly popular among aficionados in Mumbai, Montecristo cigars offer a balance of flavor and strength, making them suitable for both novices and seasoned smokers.

Why Montecristo Stands Out

  • Balanced Flavour: With hints of chocolate, coffee, and spice, Montecristo cigars deliver a well-rounded experience.

  • Wide Range of Options: Montecristo No. 4, No. 2, and Edmundo are among the popular choices in Mumbai, available at high-end cigar lounges and shops.

  • Consistent Quality: As a brand with a rich heritage, Montecristo is known for its reliable quality and smooth smoking experience.

3. Arturo Fuente

Overview of Arturo Fuente

Arturo Fuente, a family-owned brand from the Dominican Republic, has become increasingly popular in Mumbai for its complex flavours and dedication to craftsmanship. Known for its medium-bodied cigars, Arturo Fuente offers a smooth and refined smoking experience.

Features of Arturo Fuente Cigars

  • Flavours and Aromas: Expect hints of earthiness, wood, and spice, ideal for a relaxing smoke.

  • Handcrafted Excellence: Arturo Fuente cigars are meticulously rolled, ensuring an even burn and balanced flavours.

  • Top Picks in Mumbai: The Arturo Fuente Hemingway series is available at places like Cigar Conexion in Andheri, attracting both seasoned and new cigar smokers.

4. Partagas

About Partagas

Partagas, another well-known Cuban brand, offers a more intense flavor profile, making it a popular choice among experienced smokers in Mumbai. With roots dating back to 1845, Partagas is known for its rich and robust cigars.

Why Choose Partagas

  • Full-Bodied Flavour: Partagas cigars are known for their bold flavours, with earthy and peppery notes, perfect for those seeking a strong smoking experience.

  • Notable Varieties: The Partagas Serie D No. 4 is a favourite among Mumbai smokers and is available in premium shops and lounges.

  • Heritage and Quality: Partagas has a legacy of craftsmanship and quality, making it a go-to for aficionados seeking a reliable, powerful smoke.

5. Rocky Patel

Overview of Rocky Patel

Rocky Patel, an Indian-American brand, has gained a strong following in Mumbai for its innovative blends and premium quality. Rocky Patel cigars are often recommended for their complexity and accessibility to a wide range of tastes.

What Makes Rocky Patel Unique

  • Varied Flavour Profiles: Rocky Patel cigars offer a blend of earthy, spicy, and nutty notes, making them versatile and appealing.

  • Popular Options: Rocky Patel Decade and Rocky Patel Vintage 1999 are highly rated and readily available at Cigar Conexion.

  • Modern Appeal: Rocky Patel’s unique branding and high quality appeal to a younger crowd of cigar enthusiasts.

6. H. Upmann

About H. Upmann

H. Upmann is a Cuban brand that offers a milder smoke, ideal for those who prefer a more nuanced experience. Known for its smooth flavours, H. Upmann cigars are highly regarded among Mumbai’s aficionados.

Features of H. Upmann Cigars

  • Mild and Balanced Flavour: With notes of cream, leather, and wood, H. Upmann cigars are smooth and enjoyable for all levels.

  • Popular in Mumbai: The H. Upmann Magnum 46 is a favourite, available at high-end cigar shops.

  • Ideal for Beginners: H. Upmann cigars are often recommended for those just starting their journey into premium cigars.

How to Choose the Right Cigar Brand for You

When choosing from the top cigar brands in Mumbai, there are a few key factors to keep in mind.

Consider Flavor Preferences

  • Mild Flavours: Try H. Upmann or Montecristo.

  • Medium Flavours: Cohiba and Arturo Fuente offer balanced experiences.

  • Strong Flavours: Partagas or Rocky Patel provide bold flavours for seasoned smokers.

Choose Based on Strength

  • Beginners: Look for mild cigars from brands like H. Upmann.

  • Intermediate Smokers: Medium-bodied options, such as those from Montecristo, are a great choice.

  • Experienced Smokers: Full-bodied cigars from Partagas or Arturo Fuente will offer the intensity you may prefer.


Mumbai’s cigar scene is a testament to the city’s appreciation for quality and luxury. From the legendary Cohiba to the innovative Rocky Patel, the top cigar brands in Mumbai offer something for every taste. Whether you’re new to cigars or a seasoned smoker, exploring these brands is a rewarding experience. Visit one of Mumbai’s renowned cigar


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